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Plasmon spectroscopy of anisotropic gold nanoclusters on GaAs(001) surface passivated by sulphur atoms
Полная версия: 10.21883/SC.2022.04.53232.9792a
Berkovits V.L.1, Kosobukin V.A.1, Ulin V.P.1, Alekseev P.A.1, Soldatenkov F.Yu.1, Levitskii V.A.2
1Ioffe Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
2D Center TFTE, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: vladimir.berkovits@mail.ioffe.ru
Поступила в редакцию: 24 декабря 2021 г.
Выставление онлайн: 27 января 2022 г.

This work demonstrates how to create the structures Au/GaAs with perfect on-surface gold nanoclusters. In doing so, used is covering the GaAs substrate with chemically stable atomic monolayers of sulphur to prevent subsequently a chemical reaction of Au with GaAs. The structures Au/S/GaAs with monolayers of chemisorbed sulphur atoms are fabricated, characterized and studied by polarized reflection spectroscopy. The anisotropy of on-surface gold nanoclusters is established, and the anisotropic plasmons localized in Au clusters are investigated using the spectra of polarized reflection and interpreted theoretically. Keywords: sulphide passivation, gold nanoclusters, plasmon anisotropy, polarized reflectance.

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