Arapov Yu.G.1, Neverov V.N.1, Harus G.I.1, Shelushinina N.G.1, Yakunin M.V.1, Gudina S.V.1, Karskanov I.V.1, Kuznetsov O.A.2, de Visser A.3, Ponomarenko L.3
1Institute of Metal Physics, Ural Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russia
2Physicotechnical Institute at Nizhnii Novgorod State University, Nizhnii Novgorod, Russia
3Van der Waals--Zeeman Institute, University of Amsterdam, 108XE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Поступила в редакцию: 13 февраля 2007 г.
Выставление онлайн: 20 октября 2007 г.
Observation of a low-temperature transition from metallic (drho/d T>0) to insulator (drho/d T<0) behavior of resisitivity rho(T) induced by a perpendicular magnetic field B is reported for a two-dimensional (2D) hole system confined within Ge layers of a p-Ge1-xSix/Ge/Ge1-xSix heterostructure. Essential feature of this system is that it is described by the Luttinger Hamiltonial with the g-factor highly anisotropic for orientations of magnetic field perpendicular and parallel to the 2D plane (g normal >> g||). The positive magnetoresistance revealed scales as a function of B/T. We attribute this finding to suppression of the triplet channel of electron-electron (hole-hole) interaction due to Zeeman splitting in the hole spectrum. PACS: 72.20.My, 73.20.Fz, 73.40.Qv, 73.63.Hs
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