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Highly conducting and transparent Ga2O3 doped ZnO thin films prepared by thermal evaporation method
Palimar Sowmya1, Bangera Kasturi V.1, Shivakumar G.K.1
1Thin Film Laboratory, Physics Department, National Institute of Technology Karnataka Surathka, Karnataka, India
Поступила в редакцию: 9 февраля 2012 г.
Выставление онлайн: 19 ноября 2012 г.

Amorphous zinc oxide thin films are obtained by thermally evaporating pure zinc oxide powder. Films obtained have an excellent conductivity of 90 Omega-1 cm-1 with transparency of up to 90% in the visible region. On doping with gallium oxide a great improvement in the conductivity of up to 8.7 · 103 Omega-1cm-1 is observed and the optical band gap of the films is decreased from 3.25 to 3.2 eV, retaining the transparency. Measurements of activation energy show that the doped ZnO film has one donor level at 68 meV and other at 26 meV bellow the conduction band.
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