Optical Properties and Structure of Indium Oxide Films Obtained Under Various Conditions of Magnetron Sputtering
Tikhii A.A.1, Nikolaenko Yu.M.2, Sviridova E.A.2,3, Zhikharev I.V.2
1Lugansk State Pedagogical University, Lugansk, Russia
2Donetsk Institute of Physics and Technology named after. A.A. Galkina, Donetsk, Russia
3Donbass National Academy of Construction and Architecture, Makeyevka, Russia
Email: ea0000ffff@mail.ru, nik@donfti.ru, ksvir@list.ru, izhikharev@mail.ru

In this paper we summarize the studies of the structural and optical properties of In2O3 films on Al2O3 (012) substrates obtained by dc magnetron sputtering. According to X-ray diffraction, deposition time effects on the position and half-width of the (222) peak of cubic In2O3. Ellipsometric measurements and analysis of optical transmission spectra show that films obtained at temperatures of 300oC or more have uniform optical properties, except the surface layer. The refractive index of films obtained at room temperature increases along the direction from the substrate to the surface. Annealing eliminates this inhomogeneity, reduces the observed band gap due to a decrease in the concentration of lattice defects, but do not effects on the true band gap. Keywords: indium oxide films, band gap, optical properties, X-ray diffraction, magnetron sputtering.
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