Kalmykov A. E.
1, Myasoedov A. V.
1, Sorokin L. M.
11Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: aekalm@mail.ioffe.ru, amyasoedov88@gmail.com, Lev.Sorokin@mail.ioffe.ru
The dislocation structure of an AlN layer grown on a SiC substrate by sublimation was studied using transmission electron microscopy. The peculiarity of the growth method was the evaporation of the substrate during the growth of the layer to prevent its cracking. The purpose of the study was to identify the sources of threading dislocations in the AlN layer. Dislocation superjogs, which are sources of dislocations, were found in the layer. A connection between the formation of superjogs and the procedure of substrate evaporation is assumed. Keywords: aluminum nitride, transmission electron microscopy, dislocation, jog.
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