Chemical kinetics of the Si(111) surface nitridation process at temperatures below the structural phase transition (7x7)->(1x1)
Mansurov V.G. 1, Malin T. V. 1, Bashkatov D. D.1,2, Milakhin D. S. 1,2, Zhuravlev K. S. 1
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
2Novosibirsk State Technical University, Novosibirsk, Russia

A study of the influence of the conditions of silicon nitride crystalline phase formation on the process kinetics as a result of controlled nitridation of the reconstructed (7x7) Si(111) surface at varying substrate temperatures in the range 700-800oC has been carried out. From the analysis of the diffraction patterns obtained by the reflection high-energy electron diffraction technique, it is found that the formation kinetics of the two-dimensional (8x8) crystalline phase in the temperature range of 700-800oC differs from that of the high-temperature nitridation and exhibits normal activation-reaction behaviour, indicating the presence of an activation barrier. The activation barrier of 0.6 eV associated with the formation heat of a mobile silicon atom from the adatoms of the (7x7) structure involved in the formation of the SiN (8x8) crystalline phase on the ordered silicon (7x7) superstructure has been determined and a kinetic scheme of the process has been proposed. Keywords: ammonia molecular beam epitaxy (NH3-MBE), nitridation kinetics, crystalline SiN (8x8), Si(111) silicon, RHEED.
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