Research of design and technological features of manufacturing of low-noise GaAs transistors with T-gate length of 150 nm for information transmission systems
Shesterikov A.E.1, Shesterikova D.A.1, Erofeev E. V.1
1Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics, Tomsk, Russia

The work presents the results of research of design and technological features of manufacturing of low-noise transistors for information transmission systems. With the software system Synopsys Technology Computer-Aided Design, the optimal parameters of heterostructure layers were determined at mole fraction of indium in the channel equal to 20%, thickness of the barrier layer 18 nm, thickness of the channel layer 12 nm and delta doping concentration 5·1012 cm-2. Research was conducted on the effect of the recess length of the sub-gate region of GaAs transistors on their electrical characteristics. It was found that with the increase of the recess length there is an increase in the gate-to-drain breakdown voltages of the transistor. It is revealed that additional liquid treatment before dielectric deposition decreases the specific drain current density and the transconductance of the volt-ampere characteristic, but allows increasing the gate-drain breakdown voltage of transistors. Keywords: pHEMT, low-noise transistor, gate recess, MMIC, modeling, heterostructure.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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