Current generation in Pd/InP structures in hydrogen medium
Shutaev V. A. 1, Sidorov V. G.2, Grebenshchikova E. A.1, Yakovlev Yu. P.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2LLC “Independent Business & Scientific Group”, Russia

The electrical properties of Pd/InP Schottky diodes and Pd-layers deposited on glass substrate by thermal evaporation in vacuum, and placed in hydrogen medium containing 10-100 vol.% of hydrogen, were studied. The current generation in Pd/InP Schottky diodes, as well as the decrease in resistance of Pd layers were observed in hydrogen medium. It is proposed that the current generation in the structures under study is due to free electrons as result of hydrogen atoms ionization. The current induced by these electrons exists in electric circuit until hydrogen is present in the environment. It is shown that the hydrogen current generators can be created based on the Pd/InP diode structure. Keywords: palladium, Pd/InP, hydrogen, ionization, hydrogen current generator.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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