Coherent spin dynamics in the nonuniform ferromagnetic InGaAs/GaAs/δ-Mn structures
Zaitsev S. V.1, Dremov V. V.2, Stolyarov V. S.2
1Osipyan Institute of Solid State Physics RAS, Chernogolovka, Russia
A detailed study of the coherent spin dynamics of photoexcited carriers in a heterostructure with an InGaAs/GaAs quantum well and a δ-Mn-layer separated from the quantum well by a 3-10 nm-thick GaAs spacer indicates its strong non-uniformity in the plane and mesoscopic separation to the regions of carrier localization. Mesoscopic separation with a characteristic scale of ~ 100-200 nm is also observed using magnetic force microscopy below the Curie temperature of the δ-Mn-layer. Keywords: coherent spin dynamics, quantum well InGaAs/GaAs, ferromagnetic δ-Mn-layer, mesoscopic separation, fluctuation potential.
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