Influence of intermediate low-temperature heating on precipitation in nonstoichiometric GaAs
Snigirev L.A. 1, Bert N.A. 1, Preobrazhenskii V. V. 2, Putyato M. A. 2, Semyagin B. R. 2, Chaldyshev V. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Initial stage of precipitate formation during post-growth annealing of nonstoichiometric GaAs and GaAs0.97Sb0.03 grown by low-temperature (150oC) MBE on GaAs (001) substrate with intermediate growth interruption and simultaneous heating up to 250oC was studied by transmission electron microscopy. Short-term intermediate heating despite the low temperature was revealed to result in the precipitation of larger particles during subsequent post-growth annealing compared to the material not subjected to such heating. This effect is explained by the huge concentration of excess arsenic in LT-GaAs and LT-GaAs0.97Sb0.03 grown at 150oC, enhanced diffusion due to the high concentration of nonequilibrium gallium vacancies, and non-threshold nucleation. Keywords: nonstoichiometric GaAs, LT-GaAs, precipitation.
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