MOCVD growth of InGaAs metamorphic heterostructures for photodiodes with low dark current
Samartsev I. V.1, Zvonkov B. N. 1, Baidus N. V.1, Chigineva A. B. 1, Zhidyaev K. S. 1, Dikareva N. V.1, Zdoroveyshchev A. V. 1, Rykov A. V. 1, Plankina S. M. 1, Nezhdanov A. V. 1, Ershov A.V. 1
1Lobachevsky State University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The epitaxial growth technique of InGaAs photodiode structures based on a digital InGaAs/GaAs metamorphic buffer layer by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition has been developed. The spectral dependence of the photocurrent of photodiodes based on the produced structures has a maximum at the 1.24 μm wavelength. The photosensitivity range at 10% of peak is 1.17-1.29 μm at room temperature. The current-voltage characteristics in the temperature range 9-300 K were investigated. It is shown that the dark current consists of generation-recombination and tunneling components. The dark current density at room temperature was 8·10-5 A/cm2 with a reverse bias of -5 V Keywords: MOCVD, nanomaterials, semiconductors AIIIBV, infrared photodiodes, dark current.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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