Definition of electron polar scattering angle on ionized impurities for Monte Carlo simulation of charge carrier transport in semiconductors
Borzdov V. M.1, Borzdov A. V.1, Vasileuski Y. G.1
1Belarusian State University, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

Procedures of polar scattering angle simulation for electron scattering on ionized impurities are examined for Brooks-Herring, Conwell-Weisskopf and Ridley models as the most frequently used in Monte Carlo simulation of charge carrier transport in semiconductors. A more correct procedure for polar scattering angle simulation is proposed for Ridley model. Peculiarities of scattering angle distribution densities calculated in the framework of regarded models are analyzed taking silicon as an example. Comparison of electron mobility calculated by ensemble Monte Carlo method using considered models has been done for doped silicon at 300 K and for constant electric field strength F = 7· 104 V/m. Keywords: ionized impurity, electron scattering, Monte Carlo method.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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