Multiple changes in the electron-phonon interaction in quantum wells with dielectrically different barriers
Maslov A. Yu. 1, Proshina O. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The specific features of the interaction of charged particles with polar optical phonons have been studied theoretically for quantum wells with the barriers that are asymmetric in their dielectric properties. It is shown that the interaction with interface phonon modes makes the greatest contribution in narrow quantum wells. The parameters of the electron-phonon interaction were found for the cases of different values of the phonon frequencies in the barrier materials. It turned out that a significant (by almost an order of magnitude) change in the parameters of the electron-phonon interaction can occur in such structures. This makes it possible, in principle, to trace the transition from weak to strong interactions in quantum wells of the same type but with different compositions of barrier materials. The conditions are found under which an enhancement of the electron-phonon interaction is possible in an asymmetric structure in comparison with a symmetric one with the barriers of the same composition. Keywords: quantum well, electron-phonon interaction, polaron, asymmetric barriers.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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