The influence of external parameters on the switching process by delayed ionization in a silicon p+-n-n+-structure
Kardo-Sysoev A. F.1, Cherenev M. N.1,2, Lyublinsky A. G.1, Smirnova I. A.1, Yusupova S. A.1, Belyakova E. I.1, Vexler M. I.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia
The new developed technique allows measuring fast-switching processes in semiconductor diodes, which are switched into a conducting state by applying a high-voltage fast-rising pulse together with a high DC voltage. Using this technique, delayed impact ionization was studied in structures with n-base thicknesses of about 100 μm and 410 μm. It has been experimentally demonstrated that for structures with a thick base, the switching characteristics improve with an increase in both the DC reverse bias and the rise rate of the applied voltage pulse. A voltage rise rate of 42.7 kV/ns has been achieved for a single structure. Keywords: Silicon Avalanche Shaper (SAS), delayed impact ionization, sub-nanosecond voltage pulses, power diodes.
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