Effect of electric field on excitons in a quantum well under additional optical excitation
Chukeev M. A. 1, Khramtsov E.S. 1, Shiming Zheng1, Ignatiev I. V. 1, Eliseev S. A. 2, Efimov Yu. P. 2
1Spin Optics Laboratory, Saint Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Technology Resource Center “Nanofabrication of Photoactive Materials (Nanophotonics)” of St.Petersburg State University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia
Email: maxchukeev@gmail.com, e.khramtsov@spbu.ru, zsm210603@gmail.com, i.ignatiev@spbu.ru, sergej.eliseev@spbu.ru, yuryefimov@mail.ru

Reflection spectra of a heterostructure with a GaAs/AlGaAs quantum well (QW) of 30 nm wide have been studied under additional optical excitation in an external electric field. The influence of the electric field on all parameters of light-hole and heavy-hole exciton resonances, was studied upon selective excitation of various optical transitions. The effect of compensating for the Stark shift upon excitation to the ground exciton state of the QW is found. A sharp increase in the Stark shift of excitons in QW was found upon optical creation of charge carriers in the GaAs buffer layer. A microscopic calculation of exciton states in various electric fields has been performed. A comparison of the calculated and measured Stark shift of the heavy-hole exciton is used to obtain the dependence of the electric field strength in the QW on the applied voltage. Keywords: exciton, electric field, quantum well, reflection spectra.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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