Crossover between Mott's and Arrhenius' laws in the temperature dependence of resistivity of highly boron-doped delta-layers in artificial diamond
Kukushkin V. A.1,2, Lobaev M. A.1, Vicharev A. L. 1, Gorbachev A. M.1,2, Radischev D. B. 1, Arkhipova E. A. 1, Drozdov M. N. 1, Kukushkin Yu. V. 2, Isaev V. A. 1, Bogdanov S. A. 1
1Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
2Lobachevsky University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Experimental temperature dependence of the resistivity of thin (1-3 nm) highly boron-doped (close to the threshold of the phase transition into a state with a metallic-type conductivity) delta-layers in chemically vapor deposited (CVD) diamond in a broad temperature range from ~100 to ~500 K can be described by Mott's two-dimensional law (hole "hops" between localized states with a temperature-dependent average "hop" length) in a low temperature region and Arrhenius' law (hole "hops" between the nearest localized states) in a high temperature region. The crossover between them takes place at 230-300 K. The potentials of hole localized states are of a long-range, e. g. Coulomb's, type, the static dielectric permittivities of delta-layers are by several times larger than those of undoped CVD diamond. Keywords: CVD diamond, Arrhenius law, Mott's law, doped delta-layers, "jump" conductivity, phase transition insulator-metal. DOI: 10.61011/SC.2023.04.56422.10k
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