SERS-active substrates based on embedded Ag nanoparticles in c-Si: modeling, technology, application
Ermina A. A. 1, Solodovchenko N. S. 2, Prigoda K. V.1,3, Levitskii V. S. 4, Pavlov S. I. 1, Zharova Yu. A. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2ITMO University, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University, St. Petersburg, Russia
4R&D Center of Thin Film Technologies in Energetics under the Ioffe Institute LLC, St. Petersburg, Russia

A simple method for obtaining SiO2 : Ag : Si and Ag : Si hybrid nanostructures is presented. High-temperature annealing of an Ag island film on the surface of c-Si makes it possible to preserve the plasmonic properties of Ag nanoparticles and protect them from external influences by coating them with a thermally grown layer of SiO2. The calculation of the electric field strength distribution in the structure with embedded Ag nanoparticles in c-Si demonstrates the presence of intrinsic "hot spots" at the corners of the nanoparticles, which leads to a maximum enhancement factor (~106) of Raman scattering. A numerical calculation of the dependence of the spectral position of a localized plasmon resonance on the geometry of structures can serve as a basis for their design in the future. Surface-enhanced Raman scattering showed reliable detection of the methyl orange from an aqueous solution at a concentration of <10-5 M. Keywords: SERS, Ag nanoparticles, c-Si, methyl orange, localized plasmon resonance. DOI: 10.61011/SC.2023.04.56420.07k

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