Changing the Parameters of MIS Structures with REE Compounds under Conditions of High Humidity
Shalimova M.B. 1, Belyanina I.V. 1
1Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

The properties of MIS structures with yttrium, neodymium, samarium fluorides on germanium, neodymium and samarium fluorides on n and p silicon substrates, as well as Al-Y2O3-nSi, Al-Y2O3-pSi structures under conditions of high ambient humidity were studied. Additionally, the structures were exposed to an electric field of ~0.5-4 MV/cm. For MIS structures with films of yttrium, neodymium, and samarium fluoride on germanium, as well as neodymium and samarium fluoride on n and p silicon substrates, a clear increase in the maximum specific capacitance with increasing relative humidity of the medium is observed. It has been found that the incorporation of water into the structure of the REE film fluorides studied in this work is sorption and does not cause irreversible changes in the dielectric film at the studied temperatures. Keywords: MIS structure, silicon, germanium, density of surface states, humidity.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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