Electron Diffraction Study of the Temperature --- Time Dependences of Crystallization of Nano thick amorphous CuIn5Te8 Films Sublimated Under Normal Conditions and under the Action of an External Electric Field
Dashdamirova G. E. 1
1Institute of Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan
Email: Uli200909@rambler.ru

Kinematic electron diffraction was used to study the crystallization processes of amorphous CuIn5Te8 films obtained under normal conditions and under the influence of an external electric field with a strength of 500 V · cm-1. Isothermal curves of phase transitions are examined and the kinetic parameters of phase transformations are determined: the dimensions of crystal growth and of activation energies are established. It is shown that during the crystallization of amorphous CuIn5Te8 films, the rates of nucleation and their further growth follow the Arrhenius relations. Keywords: electronographic structural analysis, thin films, crystallization isotherms, activation energy.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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