Features of the electrophysical parameters of silicon serially doped with impurity atoms of phosphorus and boron
Zikrillayev Kh. F.1, Ayupov K. S.1, Mavlonov G. H.1, Usmonov A. A.1, Shoabdurakhimova M. M. 1
1Tashkent State Technical University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Email: u-anvarjon@mail.ru

Silicon samples sequentially doped with impurity atoms of phosphorus and boron were studied. These investigations make it possible to study the interaction and distribution of phosphorus and boron impurity atoms in silicon. It has been established that, in such silicon samples, the mobility of electrons and holes changes. From the analysis of the obtained results, it was shown that boron atoms change the type of conductivity of the material to a depth of 2 μm due to the compensation of phosphorus atoms, which are 4 times higher than the concentration of boron in silicon. Keywords: semiconductor, silicon, phosphorus, boron, alloying, mobility, diffusion, concentration.
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