Hybrid Operating Modes of Thermoelectric Modules
Drabkin I. A.1, Ershova L.B.1
1RMT Ltd., Moscow, Russia
Email: igordrabk@gmail.com

It is suggested that thermoelectric coolers designing should not be limited to the extreme modes of their operation. In some cases, it is convenient to use the so called hybrid modes - a combination of the extreme mode of maximum coefficient of performance for large temperature differences and a general cooling mode for small ones. The proposed hybrid mode makes it possible to control the cooling capacity of the module and not to confine this value to that under the extreme operating conditions, the maximum coefficient of performance in particular. Keywords: Thermoelectric module, hybrid mode, cooling capacity per pellet.
  1. E.M. Lukishker, A.L. Vajner, M.N. Somkin, V.Yu. Vodolagin. Termoelektricheskie okhladiteli (M., Radio i svyaz', 1983) p. 27 (in Russian)
  2. A.A. Melnikov, V.G. Kostishin, V.V. Alenkov. J. Electron. Mater., 46 (5), 2737 (2017)
  3. R. Marlow, E. Burke. In: CRC Handbook of Thermoelectrics, ed. by D.M. Rowe (London, CRC Press, 1995) p. 597

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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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