Electron states of atoms in monolayers adsorbed on silicon carbide
Davydov S. Yu. 1, Posrednik O. V. 2
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
2St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University “LETI", St. Petersburg, Russia
Email: Sergei_Davydov@mail.ru

Estimates of charge transfer between adsorbate monolayer and SiC substrate based on account of the dipole-dipole repulsion and exchange interactions are presented. It is demonstrated that all the interaction channels lead to adlayer depolarization. Role of the band and local adatoms states are analyzed. Methods of experimental verification of the obtained results are proposed. Keywords: dipole-dipole interaction, direct and indirect exchange couplings.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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