Broadband superluminescent diodes based on multiple InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dot layers
Maximov M.V. 1, Shernyakov Yu. M. 2, Kornyshov G.O. 1, Simchuk O.I. 1, Gordeev N.Yu. 2, Beckman A.A.2, Payusov A.S. 2, Mintairov S.A. 2, Kalyuzhnyy N.A. 2, Kulagina M.M.2, Zhukov A.E. 3
1Alferov Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Education and Science Saint Petersburg National Research Academic University of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia
3High School of Economics, St. Petersburg, Russia

We have studied superluminescent diodes with simplified design and active region based on 5 or 7 layers of InGaAs/GaAs quantum well-dots (QWDs). Emission peaks of the individual QWD layers are shifted with respect to each other by 15-35 nm to provide as wide as possible emission line in a superluminescent mode with central wavelength of about 1 μm without significant spectral dips. For superluminescent diodes with the active region based on 5 and 7 QWD layers, the maximal value of full width at half maximum of emission spectrum was 92 and 103 nm respectively. Keywords: quantum well dots, broadband radiation source, superluminescent diode. DOI: 10.61011/SC.2023.04.56429.5262
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