Impact of illumination on quantum lifetime in selectively doped GaAs single quantum wells with short-period AlAs/GaAs superlattice barriers
Bykov A. A. 1, Nomokonov D. V. 1, Goran A. V.1, Strygin I. S.1, Marchishin I. V. 1, Bakarov A. K.1
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Impact of illumination on high-mobility dense 2D electron gas in selectively doped single GaAs quantum well with short-period AlAs/GaAs superlattice barriers at T=4.2 K in magnetic fields B<2 T has been studied. It was demonstrated that illumination at low temperatures gives rise to enhancement of electron density, mobility and quantum lifetime in studied heterostructures. The enhancement of quantum lifetime after illumination for single GaAs quantum well with modulated superlattice doping had been explained as consequence of decrease in effective concentration of remote ionized donors. Keywords: persistent photoconductivity, quantum lifetime, anisotropic mobility, superlattice barriers.
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