GaPxAs1-x solid solution growth by molecular beam epitaxy: phenomenological description of the x dependence from growth conditions on GaAs(001) substrate
Putyato M. A. 1, Emelyanov E. A. 1, Petrushkov M. O. 1, Vasev A. V. 1, Semyagin B.R. 1, Preobrazhenskii V. V. 1
1Rzhanov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

The experimental dependences of the GaPxAs1-x solid solution phosphorus proportion on growth conditions by molecular beam epitaxy from As2 and P2 molecules on GaAs(001) substrate were described using the phenomenological model. The model was built on the well-established ideas about the III-V compounds MBE growth. The ratio of the arsenic and phosphorus atoms incorporation coefficients was considered as a function of the substrate temperature and molecular flux densitys. Empirical expressions were found that describe the behavior of the arsenic and phosphorus incorporation coefficients ratio depending on the indicated growth parameters. This makes it possible to estimate the V group molecule flux values to obtain the required x in a GaPxAs1-x solid solution at the given substrate temperature and the gallium atoms flow density. Keywords: molecular beam epitaxy, AIIIBV, solid solutions, GaPxAs1-x, phenomenological model.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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