Influence of a multilayer grounded field plate on the effect of quasi-saturation of current-voltage chatacteristics of power radio frequence lateral transistors
Alekseev R.P.1, Kurshev P.L.1, Tsotsorin A.N.1
1Joint-stock company «Scientific research institute of electronic», Voronezh, Russia

Was been performed modeling of LDMOS-transistor structures with two- and three-layer grounded field plates. On both structures the manifestation of the effect of quasi-saturation of ID-VD characteristics was estimated. It is shown that the new design of the three-layer grounded field plate significantly suppresses the effect of quasi-saturation. Keywords: power RF transistors, LDMOS, quasi-saturation of I-V characteristics.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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