Monopolarity of hot charge carrier multiplication in AIIIBV semiconductors at high electric field and noiseless avalanche photodiodes (a R e v i e w)
Mikhailova M.P. 1, Dmitriev A.P.1, Andreev I.A.1, Ivanov E.V. 1, Kunitsyna E.V. 1, Yakovlev Yu.P.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The results of theoretical and experimental studies of impact ionization processes and charge carrier heating in multi-valley AIIIBV semiconductors at high electric field are presented and their relationship with the features of the band structure is discussed. A role of subsidiary L- and X-valleys, complex structure of the valence band and orientation dependence of the ionization coefficients are taken into account. A new approach to the choice of semiconductor materials with a large ratio of the ionization coefficients of holes and electrons to create the noiseless avalanche photodiodes due to monopolarity of hot charge carrier multiplication is proposed. Keywords: impact ionization, multi-valley semiconductors, band structure, monopolarity of multiplication, avalanche photodiodes.
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