Effect of a parallel magnetic field on the photocurrent in GaAs/AlAs p-i-n-structures
Larkin I.A.1, Khanin Yu.N.1, Vdovin E.E.1
1Institute of Microelectronics Technology and High Purity Materials, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chernogolovka, Russia
Email: vdov62@yandex.ru

The behavior of the photocurrent in GaAs/AlAs p-i-n-heterostructures is studied in a magnetic field parallel to the heterolayers in the wavelength range from 395 to 650 nm. A strong dependence of the non-oscillating component of the photocurrent on the radiation wavelength associated with the suppression of the diffusion current by the magnetic field was found. It is shown that the behavior of the oscillating component of the photocurrent in a magnetic field does not depend on the wavelength of light and is determined by the transfer of electrons through the dimensional quantization level in a triangular near-barrier well. It is shown that the suppression of the oscillating component by the magnetic field is due to the smearing of the level in the triangular well due to the motion of electrons parallel to the walls of the well and perpendicular to the magnetic field. Keywords: heterostructures, photoconductivity, magnetotunneling.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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