Investigation of Ce3+ impurity centers in UV active media Ce:LiCaAlF6 and Ce:LiSr0.8Ca0.2AlF6 *
Russian Foundation for Basic Research, Конкурс проектов 2018 года фундаментальных научных исследований, выполняемых молодыми учеными (Мой первый грант), 18-32-00936
Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the State assignment FSRC «Crystallography and Photonics» RAS , Государственное задание, 3.1156.2017/4.6 и 3.5835.2017/6.7
Shavelev A.A.1, Nizamutdinov A.S.1, Semashko V.V.1, Korableva S.L.1, Marisov M.A.1, Lukinova E.V.1, Rakhimov N.F.1, Morozov O.A.1, Madirov E.I.1, Shakirov A.A.1
1Institute of Physics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia

Выставление онлайн: 19 апреля 2019 г.
Fluoride crystals with the colquiriite structure LiCaAlF6 doped with Ce3+ ions are used as active media for lasers of ultraviolet spectral range with advantages of laser wavelength tuning range and no photoinduced degradation of laser properties. In this work we show that the multicenter character of Ce3+ segregation in this matrix agrees with the previously known peculiarities. On the basis of spectral-kinetic properties investigation, we show the increase of segregation coefficient for Ce3+ in LiSr0.8Ca0.2AlF6 mixed crystal. In laser experiments with Ce:LiCaAlF6 crystal, the differential efficiency of 47% and the wavelength tuning from 281 to 312 nm have been reached. Studies were carried out in the frame of the state assignment in the sphere of scientific activities (Project no. 3.1156.2017/4.6 and no. 3.5835.2017/6.7) and laser experiments was funded by RFBR according to the research project 18-32-00936.
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