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The plasticity of the Cu(H2O)2+6 Jahn--Teller complex affected by lattice strains and cooperative interactions
Augustyniak-Jab okow M.A.1, ukaszewicz K.2, Pietraszko A.2, Petrashen V.E.3, Yablokov Yu.V.1
1Institute of Molecular Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, 60-179 Poznan, Poland
2Institute of Low Temperature and Structural Research, Polish Academy of Sciences, 50-950 Wroc aw, Poland
3E.K. Zavojski Kazan Physical Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Kazan, Russia
Email: yablokov@ifmpan.poznan.pl
Выставление онлайн: 20 июля 2002 г.

The EPR spectra evolution of Cs2Zn1-xCux(ZrF6)2 · 6H2O (x=0.01, 0.6, 0.8, and 1.0) in the temperature range 4.2-330 K and the X-ray structure analysis of the compound with x=1.0 in the range 150-327 K show that the Jahn-Teller (JT) complex Cu(H2O)6 coordination sphere undergoes a plastic deformation. The observed effect is due to the combined influence of small lattice strains existing in the para-phase and a new one appearing as a result of a ferroelastic phase transition and increasing with the temperature decrease below Tc. It is proved that both cooperative interactions between JT complexes and ferroelastic strain stabilise the some JT configuration. The problem of instability of a compressed at T~ 265 K JT configuration is discussed.
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