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Synthesis of multishell fullerenes by laser vaporization of composite carbon targets
Mordkovich V.Z.1, Shiratori Yosuke1, Hiraoka H.1, Takeuchi Yoshimasa1
1Intl Center for Materials Research, East 601, KSP, Takatsu-ku, Kawasaki 21, Japan
Email: vladimir@icmr.co.jp
Выставление онлайн: 19 марта 2002 г.

Multishell fullerenes are the smallest among other multishell carbon clusters such as bigger graphitic onions or multishell nanotubes. Unlike classical fullerenes which have a cage structure and are known to have been synthesized in a variety of sizes (C60, C70, C84, C102, etc.), multishel fullerenes have a cage-inside-cage concentric structure such as double-shell C60@C240 or triple-shell C60@C240@C560. We report the synthesis of multishell fullerenes by laser vaporization of C60-containing composite carbon targets. Transmission electron microscopy, Raman scattering spectroscopy and other methods have been used for the product characterization. The yield of the process reaches up to 40%, which permits production in gram amounts even in laboratory conditions.
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