Monolithic triple-junction p-i-n AlGaAs/GaAs laser photoconverter
Kalinovskii V.S.1, Kontrosh E.V.1, Tolkachev I.A.1, Prudchenko K.K.1, Ivanov S.V.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The photovoltaic characteristics of heterostructural triple-junction p-i-n AlGaAs/GaAs photoconverters of monochromatic radiation grown by molecular-beam epitaxy in a single technological process have been studied. The spectral sensitivity of the created triple-junction photoconverters was in the wavelength range 0.78-0.87 μm. The achieved values of open circuit voltage 1.82 V and electrical power 0.34 mW/cm2 in the photovoltaic mode at laser radiation power densities ≤ 2 mW/cm2 at a wavelength λ=850 nm exceed the characteristics of single-junction p-i-n AlGaAs/GaAs photoconverters created by identical technology. The developed triple-junction photoconverters can be used in remote power systems for miniature microcircuits, in implantable bioelectronics and biosensors, as well as in long-term radioluminescent energy sources. Keywords: molecular-beam epitaxy, triple-junction photoconverters, photovoltaic characteristics, laser radiation, p-i-n AlGaAs/GaAs photoconverters, wavelength.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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