Frequency band of an acousto-optic fiber modulator with focusers: comparison of experimental data with calculated ones
Epikhin V. M. 1, Karnaushkin P. V. 2, Mazur M. M. 1, Mazur L. I. 1, Paltsev L. L. 1, Shorin V. N. 1, Aprelev A. V. 1
1All-Russian Research Institute of Physical-Technical and Radiotechnical Measurements, Mendeleevo, Moscow oblast, Russia
2Perm State University, Perm, Russia

A series of acousto-optic modulators with single-mode fiber output-focusing leads has been experimentally investigated. The emission wavelength was 1550 nm, the center frequency of the control signal ~= 150 MHz. The variable parameters were: acoustic wave velocity (different acousto-optic crystals were used), working distance of the focusers, and type of focusing element (gradient and aspherical lenses). In all cases, the measured values of the modulator operating bandwidth within errors coincide with the data calculated within the framework of the previously proposed model. Keywords: modulator frequency bandwidth, transmission coefficient, optical contrast, acousto-optic crystal, ultrasonic wave velocity, gradient and aspheric lenses.
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