Estimation of possibilities of calculations based on simplified models of the leak location in gas pipelines
Kurbatova G. I.1, Klemeshev V. A. 1, Egorov N. V.1
1St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia

For gas transportation through pipes in normal and emergency modes, a comparison of calculations based on mathematical models of various degrees of generality is presented. A mathematical model of a non-isothermal steady flow of a mixture of gases and its simplified versions are studied. For simplified options, simple analytical dependencies were obtained for calculating flow characteristics and calculating the location of an emergency gas leak. Examples of calculations of pressure distributions, temperature and leakage coordinates in gas pipelines of medium pressures according to the general and simplified models are provided. The examples cover the parameter change area of practical interest. The conditions for the admissibility of using simplified models for calculating the coordinates of a leak of medium intensity and different locations are determined. Keywords: gas pipelines, adequacy of the model, simplifications, calculation of the place of emergency leakage, compressibility factor.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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