Investigation of the parameters of a self-focused electron beam outputted behind the anode of a vacuum diode
Oleshko V.I. 1, Nguyen V. V. 1
1Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russia

The parameters of a high-current electron beam extracted from the self-focusing zone through a hole in the anode into a vacuum chamber are investigated. The beam parameters were determined from the measurement of the spatial distribution of destruction and glow arising in polymethyl methacrylate samples installed at different distances from the anode (electron beam autographs). The formation of two electron beams - a self-focused with a high energy density, propagating along the axis of the cone facing the base to the anode with an apex angle of ~ 7o and a high-energy beam of low density, propagating in a hollow truncated cone and surrounding self-focused, was found. The oscillograms of the current and the energy of the electron beams were measured. Keywords: vacuum diode, electron beam, filamentation, self-focusing, polymethyl methacrylate, destruction, glow, high current pulsed electron beam
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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