Steady states of relativistic electron-positron plasma diode
Kuznetsov V. I.1, Bakaleinikov L. A.1, Morozov I. K.1, Flegontova E. Yu.1, Barsukov D. P.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

Steady states of a diode with relativistic electron and positron flows being supplied by opposite electrodes are considered. The particles move in the plasma without collisions. For a fixed potential difference between the electrodes, the solutions are characterized by three dimensionless parameters: the electric field strength at the left electrode ε0, the interelectrode distance δ, and the relativistic factor of emitted electrons γ0. Branches of solutions are plotted in the ε_0, δ -plane. They qualitatively coincide with those in the nonrelativistic case. As the relativistic factor increases, the branches shrink along the ε0 axis and stretch along the δ axis. Keywords: plasma diode, relativistic electron and positron beams, steady states.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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