Kinetic theory of initial stage of planar vacuum diode operation in pulse-periodic mode of cathode plasma emission
Kozyrev A. V.
1, Kozhevnikov V. Y.
1, Kokovin A. O.1
1Institute of High Current Electronics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russia
A simulation of the non-stationary process of formation of an electron beam in a planar vacuum diode with a plasma cathode operating in the mode of pulses with duration of 3 ns and pauses between pulses of 2 ns has been carried out. Plasma is described on the basis of the collisionless kinetics of electrons and singly charged ions in a self-consistent electric field. The movement of the plasma emission boundary towards the anode is due to the formation of a local region of an inverse electric field in the gap. The electron beam current density depends on the cathode plasma density and can be several times higher than the Child-Langmuir current. The field inversion region has a "virtual cathode" structure in the cathode plasma generation mode, and the inversion region has a "potential hump" structure in the pauses between the cathode plasma generation pulses. Keywords: electron beam, vacuum arc, plasma cathode.
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