Angular dependence peculiarities of germanium sputtering yield with a focused gallium ion beam
Smirnova М. А. 1,2, Lobzov K. N. 1,2, Bachurin V. I. 2, Mazaletsky L. A. 1,2, Pukhov D. E. 2, Churilov A. B. 2
1Demidov State University, Yaroslavl, Russia
2Valiev Institute of Physics and Technology of RAS, Yaroslavl Branch, Yaroslavl, Russia

Angular dependences of Ge and Si sputtering yields with a 30 keV focused Ga+ ion beam are reported. Comparison between experimental angular dependence of Ge sputtering yield and corresponding SDTrimSP simulation data reveals considerable differences. Thus, the experimental data exceed the simulation data at incidence angles from 0^o to 50o and at larger angles they have a lower value, whereas for Si these dependences are in good agreement. The angular dependence peculiarities of Ge sputtering yield are attributed to the development and change of the surface topography at oblique ion incidence. Keywords: germanium, ion bombardment, sputtering yield, surface topography.
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