Nikulin Viktor Vasilyevich
1, Kotelnikova Maria Stanislavovna
1, Teslenko Vyacheslav Stepanovich
1, Drozhzhin Aleksey Petrovich
1, Chashnikov Evgenii Aleksandrovich
11Lavrentyev Institute of Hydrodynamics, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia
A numerical model of the collapse of a gas cavity in the form of a semi-ellipsoid of rotation adjacent to a solid flat wall in a liquid is constructed. Calculations were compared with experiments in which nontrivial dynamics of such a cavity was observed, leading to the formation of a cumulative jet directed from the wall. The hydrodynamic mechanism of the cumulative jet formation has been established, and the main factors leading to the collapse dynamics observed in experiments have been identified. According to the model, these are the shape of the cavity, the proximity of the cavity to the surface and the pressure drops.. Keywords: collapse of a gas cavity in a liquid, cumulative jet.
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