Vortex intensification of laminar heat transfer in a stabilized section of a channel with two-row inclined grooves when pumping coolants with different Prandtl numbers
Isaev S.A.1,2, Nikushchenko E.A.1, Nikushchenko D.V.1, Dushin N.S.3, Sudakov A.G.2
1State Marine Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
2Novikov St. Petersburg State University of Civil Aviation, St. Petersburg, Russia
3Kazan Research Center RAS, Kazan, Russia
Email: isaev3612@yandex.ru
With increasing Prandtl numbers, thinning of the near-wall temperature layers near the channel wall with double-row inclined grooves in a stabilized section of the coolant movement makes it possible to significantly intensify heat transfer for oil media. An increase in relative heat transfer for M20 oil by 44 times and for TM by 17 times was discovered, compared to almost 4 times and one and a half times the increase for water and air. Keywords: Separated flow, heat transfer, narrow channel, inclined groove, intensification, numerical modeling, inert gas, air, water, transformer oil, M20 oil.
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