Injection-enhanced annealing kinetics of GaAs-based gamma-irradiated homo- and heterostructures
Nosovets V. S.
1, Tkachev O. V.
1, Dubrovskikh S. M.
1, Pustovarov V. A.
21All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk oblast, Russia
2Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
The injection-enhanced annealing kinetics of radiation-induced defects has been studied by electroluminescence intensity measurements for quantum-sized GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures irradiated with 60Co gamma-quanta. The comparison of the obtained results with the available literature data for GaAs homostructures has revealed that in transition from homostructures to heterostructures the current density, needed for radiation-induced defects annealing, decreases by 2-4 orders and a different mechanism of defect annihilation comes out. The results indicate higher injection-enhanced annealing efficiency in devices containing quantum-sized heterostructures. Keywords: injection-enhanced annealing, recombination-enhanced annealing, radiation resistance, radiation-induced defects.
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