Features of influence of grain orientation and size on mechanical properties of Al/Mo thin film membranes
Djuzhev N.A. 1, Gusev E.E. 1, Kushnarev I.V.1, Makhiboroda M.A.1, Dobrokhotov D.A.1, Bespavol V.A. 1
1National Research University of Electronic Technology, Zelenograd, Moscow, Russia
Email: bubbledouble@mail.ru

For the first time, idea of the influence of grain orientation and size on mechanical properties of thin-film membranes had been presented.Testing was carried out using the example of thin-film Al/Mo materials on a Si wafer using blowing method. It had been experimentally confirmed that the horizontal size of Mo grains varies in the range from 27 to 67 nm, the size of Al grains varies from 166 to 502 nm, and the grains are oriented in a mutually perpendicular direction. The vertical grain size coincides with the film thickness for Mo at thicknesses up to 1130 nm and for Al at thicknesses up to 1000 nm. By varying the deposition sequence of Al and Mo layers, an increase in the critical burst pressure and biaxial elastic modulus by more than 50/ Keywords: grain size, mechanical properties, thin films.
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