Determination of the upset dominant mechanism in the 0.18 μm microcontroller's RAM exposed by pulsed low-energy protons
Marchuk M.V.1,2, Tkachev O.V.2, Pilipenko A.S.2, Dubrovskikh S.M.2, Kustov A.S.2, Shibakov E.A.2, Safronov K.V.2, Tishchenko A.S.2, Flegentov V.A.2, Gorokhov S.A.2
1Ural Federal University after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russia
2All-Russia Research Institute of Technical Physics, Russian Federal Nuclear Center, Snezhinsk, Chelyabinsk oblast, Russia

Upsets in the embedded RAM of a microcontroller exposed by pulses of low-energy protons are investigated. Experiment features at the laser-plasma source are examined. The estimation of linear energy losses from direct ionization by protons in the sensitive volume and absorbed dose rate calculation with account of the structure and chemical composition of the microcontroller crystal are presented. Experimental results are compared with previously obtained data from X-rays exposure experiments and upset bitmaps are analyzed. It is shown that failures in the microcontroller RAM are caused by single event effects. Keywords: Proton radiation, X-rays, microcontroller, single event upsets, low-energy protons, pulsed exposure, laser-plasma acceleration.
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