Delay line modelling on exchange spin waves
Tikhonov V.V.1, Gubanov V.A.1, Ptashenko A.S.1, Sadovnikov A. V.1
1Saratov State University, Saratov, Russia

A new innovative device has been proposed - a miniature controlled microwave signal delay line based on short-wave exchange spin waves (ESW). The delay line is based on a three-layer dielectric-ferrite-dielectric epitaxial structure. The conversion of the electromagnetic signal into ESW is carried out in a thin transition layer at the dielectric-ferrite boundary. ESW propagates in the transverse direction of the ferrite layer and is again converted into an electromagnetic signal in the transition layer at the opposite ferrite-dielectric boundary. The duration of the delay of the passed signal is determined by the thickness of the ferrite layer and can be controlled by an external magnetic field. It has been shown that in a three-layer structure based on epitaxial films of gadolinium gallium garnet grown on a substrate of yttrium iron garnet (YIG), the delay duration of the microwave signal can reach several tens of nanoseconds with a YIG layer thickness of 100 mm. Keywords: spin waves, yttrium iron garnet, gadolinium gallium garnet, microwave signal delay.
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