Ice strengthening resulted from joint addition of polyvinyl alcohol and superfine silica nanoparticles
Golovin Yu. I. 1,2, Samodurov A. A. 1, Rodaev V. V. 1, Tyurin A. I. 1, Golovin D. Yu. 1, Razlivalova S. S. 1, Vasyukov V. M. 1, Buznick V. M. 1,2
1Tambov State University, Tambov, Russia
2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

The results of ice hardening by doping with polyvinyl alcohol at concentrations ranging from 3· 10-3 to 1.5 wt.% and ultradisperse (~ 10 nm) silica nanoparticles at concentrations of 3· 10-1 wt.%, introduced separately and jointly into distilled water prior to crystallization, are presented. The concentration dependences of peak stresses, inelastic deformation and fracture work were established by the uniaxial compression method. The combined effect of the two types of impurity had a stronger effect than the effect of each of them separately. Keywords: ice, mechanical properties, ice composites, nanoparticles.
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