Numerical modelling of aluminum distribution profiles in the Al-Ga-As-Sn epitaxial layer
Potapovich N.S. 1, Khvostikov V.P. 1, Khvostikova O.A. 1, Vlasov A.S.1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

In this work, we simulated the concentration profiles of nn-AlGaAs layers doped with tin during growth by liquid-phase epitaxy from a melt of limited height. The possibility of obtaining thick gradient waveguide layers from melts with different tin content is shown. The influence of the solvent composition on the effect of aluminum profile gradient inversion has been studied. Keywords: AlGaAs, phase equilibrium, liquid phase epitaxy, photovoltaic cells.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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