Analytical and numerical modelling of a buckling in a plastic regime of a homogeneous console with symmetrical cross section
ChistyakovV. V. 1
1Ioffe Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia

The method of numerical-analytical modeling using Maple 18 of the strong buckling of a uniform console with a symmetrical cross-section is presented. The range of plastic deformations in a materials with conditional yield strength (CYS) is studied. Standard profiles and sections made of low-carbon steel, titanium, polyethylene etc. were investigated. Were found and compared with the proper Eulerian values the critical loads of Fcr, N, the shape of buckled console y(z). The quasi-identity of the latter is established for the same slope p_f = dy/dz near the free console end. The method can be applied in robotics, structural mechanics, medical prosthetics, etc. where the materials been used with relatively high Young's modulus and low the CYS. Keywords: buckling, plastic deformations, conditional yield strength, critical load, Maple.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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