An experiment to improve the accuracy of a quantum level using hydrogen quantum clock with GLONASS/GPS phase measurements
Fateev V.F.1, Smirnov F.R.1, Karaush A.A.1
1Russian Scientific Research Institute for Physical-Engineering and Radiotechnical Metrology (VNIIFTRI), 141570 Mendeleyevo of Solnechnogorsky District, Moscow region, Russia

The article investigates the accuracy of measuring the difference of gravitational potentials and orthometric heights with a quantum level based on a hydrogen quantum clock. To improve the accuracy of time scale comparison, the authors propose to use a high-precision method of absolute navigation based on global navigation satellite systems phase measurements with integer ambiguity resolution. With a measurement accumulation interval of about 5 days and the use of mobile quantum clocks with a daily relative instability of the order of 1 10-15, the proposed method allows to measure the difference in orthometric heights and gravitational potentials with an error of 7.7 m and 75.3 m2/s2, respectively. At the same time, it is still possible to reduce the error when using quantum clocks with higher stability and increasing the measurement accumulation interval. Keywords: orthometric height difference, gravitational potential difference, phase ambiguity integer resolution.
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Дата начала обработки статистических данных - 27 января 2016 г.


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