Effect of ion irradiation and stabilizing annealing on critical currents of superconducting NbN thin film
Prikhodko K. E. 1,2, Golubev G. Yu.1
1National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2National Research Nuclear University “MEPhI”, Moscow, Russia
Email: prihodko_ke@nrcki.ru

The effect of composite ion irradiation on the critical currents of superconductive niobium nitride NbN thin-film is considered. The I-V curve of 20x 20 μmm samples with a thickness of 5.5 nm were obtained after irradiation with a composite ion beam (consisting of protons with 1% of oxygen) with an energy of 1 keV to various fluencies. The effect of irradiation and stabilizing annealing at 200oC for 1 hour on the critical currents of the superconducting transition is estimated. Keywords: Niobium nitride, ion irradiation, superconductors, thin films. DOI: 10.61011/TPL.2023.09.56698.19621
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