Study of the effect of neon ion energy on the surface roughness of the main cuts of monocrystalline silicon during ion etching
Mikhailenko MS.1, Pestov A.E.1, Chernyshev A. K.1, Zorina M.V.1, Chkhalo N.I.1, Salascshenko N.N.1
1Institute for Physics of Microstructures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The paper presents the results of studying the energy dependences of the sputtering yield and the effective surface roughness of single-crystal silicon irradiated with neon ions with an energy of 100-1000 eV. As a result of the work, the parameters of ion-beam etching with accelerated Ne ions were determined, providing a high sputtering coefficient (etching rate) and an effective roughness value in the spatial frequency range 4.9·10-2-6.3·101 μm-1 less than 0.3 nm for the main cuts of single-crystal silicon (< 100>, <110> and <111>). Keywords: surface, roughness, sputtering, ion etching. DOI: 10.61011/TP.2023.07.56648.114-23
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